Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Beauty and the Beast" Cast Sings Out and Shines for the Lord

By Susan Mason, Assistant Director
Tonight at our ACT One rehearsal, the directors reminded the cast that the show is NEXT WEEK. While one might think this would strike fear in our young cast, they didn't seem anxious. Why? This is just my impression, but I think they know the Lord will bring out the best in them as the curtain rises on ACT One's "Beauty and the Beast."
Tonight, we also talked with them about singing out. We know they have the talent and the passion to sing their praises to the Lord (they sing joyfully in our weekly worship time), but when they are expected to sing, dance, move across the stage, smile, avoid bumping other cast members, etc., the expectations seem to cloud some cast members' confidence.
This is similar to our Christian faith. We know God made us, we can trust Him, and we can tell Him our every care. However, the world tells us "we" are enough, and while God may be out there somewhere, He might not be concerned with what keeps us up at night. Truly, we have a God who deeply cares for us and wants what is best for us. This confidence in ourselves comes from the Lord through prayer, practice and experience.
It is our prayer the kids practice, pray and rely on the One who created and loves them. May they bring their best fruits for the "Beauty and the Beast" audience. The cast also will shine for each other. These kids are images of God's love and of the body of Christ working together.
When the curtain goes up, the kids may sing every note on key, they may hit their "marks," and deliver each line with the intended emotion. But, if they don't quite hit each note, stumble in a scene, or miss a line, God still loves them, and so do we. God asks each to do his/her best; that's all we can ask of our cast and ourselves.
The time has come to see our cast sing out and shine!

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